Strawberry farmers throughout the sunshine state have long anticipated the start of Florida strawberry season. While the Florida Strawberry Festival is almost three months away, growing strawberries requires attention to weather conditions and planting time.
With summer temperatures pushing into the fall and winter temperatures forcing strawberry planting to shift to later dates, growing time has changed.
Here’s what you need to know about Florida strawberry season.
Plant City hosts the Strawberry Festival for Florida Strawberry Season
The Florida Strawberry Festival dates back to 1930. It is an annual celebration showcasing the area’s agricultural bounty. The region produces more than ten thousand acres of strawberries each year.
Experts estimate that each acre of strawberry-growing land can yield 30 to 40 pounds of fruit.
Today, Florida ranks second in strawberry production, behind only California. Plant City is known as the Winter Strawberry Capital of the World, producing three-quarters of all winter strawberries in the country.
The Florida Strawberry Festival takes place in Plant City, Florida.
The festival offers rides and concerts.
The event is sponsored by MidFlorida Credit Union, the Florida Peanut Federation, and Grow Financial. First responders and military personnel can attend free of charge.
You can also enjoy the festival’s food and music in the afternoon.
You can taste strawberry milkshakes, chocolate-dipped strawberries, cheesecake, dole whip, and fritters.
During the festival, visitors can sample a variety of sweet treats made from Florida strawberries.
The Florida Strawberry Growers Association hosts a demonstration of strawberry farming in the Neighborhood Village near the Publix Showcase Tent. Here, visitors can view a miniature strawberry field, farm equipment, and knowledgeable professionals.
In addition to the food and beverages, there is also a room dedicated to contest winners and ribbon-winning baked goods.
Pappy’s Patch U-Pick offers u-pick strawberries
If you’re looking for a farm in Florida that sells u-pick strawberries, look no further than Pappy’s Patch U-Pick. This family-run business has been in business for years and offers visitors the chance to pick their own strawberries.
In addition to strawberries, the farm offers a wide variety of other items, including craft beer, u-pick flowers, and farm wagon rides. In addition to u-pick strawberries, you can even enjoy farm games and play craft beer.
The farm posts information on its Facebook page on when its u-pick strawberry harvest will be taking place. Hours and prices can change, but the u-pick strawberry harvest is usually daily.
Another popular u-pick strawberry farm in Central Florida is Pappy’s Patch,. Located in Oviedo, Pappy’s Patch has located a short drive in the Orlando suburbs.
The farm’s Facebook page states it will be open for strawberry picking on Friday.
Another u-pick strawberry farm in Florida is Spivey Farms.
This family farm is located in Plant City and opens its gates in March. The farm is also a destination for fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as grass-fed beef, eggs, honey, and chickens. During strawberry season, this farm offers u-pick strawberries from January through March.
Hathy’s Hilltop Produce
While it’s not the height of the strawberry season in Florida, there are plenty of ways to get a taste of it.
Another great place to find strawberries is a farm market. There are numerous options to choose from. Hathy’s Hilltop Produce in Florida strawberry season stocks organic and local fruits and vegetables. In addition to strawberries, other seasonal fruits and vegetables are available. Blueberries are also plentiful during strawberry season.
If you’re looking for a delicious treat, you should try the fruit of the sea and the sweet bonds between family and friends.
Do Strawberries Grow Year-Round in Florida?
The answer is a resounding “yes!”
The climate of Florida is perfect for growing strawberries. The best growing conditions are full sun and soil with a pH level of 5 to 6. Strawberries also need plenty of organic matter in the soil.
Before planting, prepare the soil by removing weeds and other debris. Then, water the soil thoroughly. Do strawberries need to be protected from frost? Yes, they do, but don’t let the frost damage the fruit!
In Florida, the growing season typically lasts from Thanksgiving to Easter.
Planting begins in October and harvesting occurs in mid-November. The mild temperatures in Florida provide the perfect climate for growing strawberries. This year’s growing season was a little funky, however.
The early harvest and cool temperatures in December resulted in fewer strawberries than normal. If you’re looking to grow strawberries in Florida, you’ll have to plan ahead.
Strawberry plants can be planted year-round in Florida, but their best growth is during cooler months. In Florida, they prefer cooler temperatures, so the best time to plant is during fall or winter.
After planting, they will need approximately one inch of water per week. Water in the morning is best to prevent fungal diseases. Make sure to fertilize your strawberries regularly, as well.
You can buy a special fertilizer for strawberries, or you can buy a general fertilizer and apply it according to the directions on the label. There are also many products that help protect your strawberries from pests.
Strawberry Picking Tips
If you’re planning on going strawberry picking this year, the best time to go is June or July. In most regions, you’ll find that the berries are at their peak about three weeks later than their normal season.
However, this can vary depending on the weather.
In some areas, the strawberry picking season stretches even longer, sometimes into August. Ensure that you pick the fruit when it’s red and leaves are still attached.
Wrapping Up…
In conclusion, there are many great u-pick strawberry farms in Florida. These farms offer a wide variety of activities, including picking strawberries, enjoying farm games, and riding on farm wagons.
There is also a wide range of prices for these activities. You can even find organic and locally grown strawberries at some of these farms.
The best time to plant strawberries in Florida is during the fall or winter months or better yet, hit up the Strawberry Festival for Florida Strawberry Season.
You’ll be glad you did!